
Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Picking the Right Typeface for the Job!

Choosing a typeface for a poster, advertisement, website, or business logo should not be something that is done over coffee. The typeface that is finally choosen can work with the over all message of the piece, or just make it distracting and ultimitly lead the viewers eye else where.

A good example of the use of a creative typeface is an advertisement for Play Station 2. The font is appeared to be hand written. While it varies in size and color, it also incorporates pictorial elements to the letters that make it a playful characteristic. Once the view reads what the text is actually saying, they come to the realization that it is just a whole bunch of non sense. the directionality of the type leads your eye to the bottom right corner of the add which says "BECAUSE YOUR GIRLFRIEND BORES YOU SHITLESS". Now in this case, that particular typeface just added more to the ad. Now if it was just done with a simpler typeface such as Universal, the point of the play Station 2 being more entertaining then your girlfriend that rambles on about nothing would have not been as successful!


  1. I have never seen this ad before, so I'm glad you posted it! And you're right; the playfulness and hand-written quality of the text definitely gets the girly, chit-chatty nonsense notion across to the viewer. It might be a bit over exaggerated here for the purpose of advertising, but we all know that girls really do this to their boyfriends. This makes it a successful ad since many guys can relate to it. My boyfriend is an Xbox 360 gamer, so I find this ad particularly funny. Great find!

  2. I have seen this ad, and other playstation ads like this. Definitely a playful way to look at the boyfriend/girlfriend/video game relationship. I think there is another ad of the girl talking and both the boyfriend and the advertiser man ignore her completely while playing their game

  3. i thought it was hilarious when i first came acrossed it. I pictured it with another text that is simple (keeping with the idea "simplicity is more") and it definitely would not have been as interesting or as eye catching
